Thursday, May 19, 2011

What To Say In Welcome Wedding Letter

Bajania Open preserved, that is a scandal that was not



Is On about the meeting in Homo Faber May 9, 2011, during which her job was made a presentation performativity Fri "City of Love", the legend began circulating long before ekshibicją work. It's hard to know what the postmodernists is true and what the layout, version, definition, stamped, and above all would have to pay to walk. Unjust and extremely subjective eye could see a few tales about this event. Since I am the holder of takowego eye (unjust and extremely subjective), I try to paint a picture of the previously mentioned stories. And read carefully, because just urban legends arise.

Sam image shows a host of men who have physical love. Ask yourself these pleasures were presented in a pornographic blunt. One would thing that a vigorous male members ciemnogrodzkie smash walls of prejudice. Lublin, apparently needs a multicultural and tolerant - In the words of the artist - enema, which cleans the city with narrow complexes and parochial mentality. Some might say that the city does not need the promotion of tolerance, increased tolerance to acute, sexually explicit scenes - because the popularity of porn has contributed to the indifference to the superficiality of relationships. One might protest here, but who? During the presentation of the work we have been enlightened, that the explicitness of the homosexual love is to show us, is that we - Lublin - this is how perceive gay men - as a porn perverts who shoot right and left, his homosexual sperm. An alternative to this, is the acquisition of tolerance not only against gay sensibility, but also a physical relationship. And an alternative to this alternative is: a cry for love in a pornographic world, which is also missing and among this social group.

Perhaps the principal objectives of the presentation of the work was to be a prelude to discussion of freedom in art. As I said earlier, the balloon was inflated controversy to the brim. Until it was hard to breathe Homo Faber in the room of that someone does not blow on the neck. The cramped atmosphere should have been a discussion about freedom of expression, and the proof of this lack of freedom had to be convinced of circulating in the neo-fascist bojówkach Lublin (led by politicians and clergy PISowskich) hunting not only for homosexuals, but also controversial artists. It turned out that during the discussion did not make any adversary, a firm opponent of the presentation - its artistic form and political content. Among what some skeptics circled the question "what's the big deal?". Again, someone (not Who knows, but it is known that such a person is "unthinkable") rzekłby that certain people, to exist vividly the need to first establish a real or imaginary enemy. Only in the opposition strengthens their position or justify their existence. There was no scandal, the stones, Daniel Olbrychski pop from the corner with a raised sword is also lacking. Nobody stłamsił liberty.

So what's going on? Maybe sartrowska bad faith have to acknowledge there is freedom, thump it, consolidate, to gain a foothold. Or maybe this is already working in an environment artystycznym: nakręcanie cyrku, aby móc wciąż dostawać pensję. A może po prostu Piotr Nazaruk włożył kij w mrowisko i puszczając oczko, z uśmiechem na twarzy, obserwował jak w przyszłej Europejskiej Stolicy… lud kultury podnieca się czymś, przez co większe miasta miały już okazje przejść jako pewien etap rozwoju/zachwytu nad kontrowersją i szokiem.


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