Friday, May 20, 2011

Feeling Of Hip Coming Out Of Socket

Since then I have to start that .... Spring in the garden

I wonder from what is there to start, so not too much to reel, and all formed a coherent, chronological whole. I think and think and think, however, so you can not, because for a long time I was not here and a lot of things happening. Pictures I have enormous that even the speech is not that I showed at least 1 / 10 of them ... all the flowers, smelling and matures, and I have unfortunately no time for anything, and barely make. But I console myself that it's not just my condition, and at least half the people in this strange country:) Because I am a feminist, but very selectively ... because, for example, work? The people who invented it, a woman, with such duties Nawal still have to work?! Just the feminist-I definitely NO! I'm not the type of woman is absolutely working, because I'd prefer to sit at home ... I'm not saying that just to look and smell, but the cakes bake, dinners to cook, clean, embroider a rose corner, sew quilts and winter in the circle of rural housewives:) ... and not in the peasant-worker to play: (Where are those great times when a woman from home to deal with, the tea invite ... now mined comes home from work to the max, the way siaty taszcząc purchases in the hands outstretched, like an orangutan, is to pots, give dinner, washes, cleans, rushing to the garden, planted, mowed grass, with children on bicycles riding, dogs, throwing balls, stroking cats, at night, puts money in the morning it hung so again with the tongue hanging out to do ... you go and where the time to do all the little pleasures? When that kind? Retired? Styrene which either do not live to see, and how to live to see it and so will not be what you do even the smallest pleasures!? No, no, so it was not that I am in some depressed I get, and suddenly I felt bad in this world .. not done, but it would be even better if a knight on a white steed, said baby, do what you want, and I'll take care of the rest ... and I could do and say what I want, because at this point I'm just a devout feminist, because in my house no democracy ... there is a dictatorship here! In short, the world's next to me is good, and it was supposed to be just that little digression about the lack of time ... And now this post in theory should have already finished, and I have not yet started (


In this whole rush of issues and responsibilities, I am trying to find time for these small pleasures her ... and though about it more deeply thinks about it, but the pleasures in life is a lot ... but maybe I will not be 've been wondering because I never go to the heart of the matter, I mean what I was doing and I do:) Since I run a blog about my pleasure ensure other, often completely anonymous young person, certainly not on white steeds recoiling .. and so it got two Invitation to the cinema for the film PRZEDPREMIERA "Puzzle" from Amy Gutek Film represents the company and that it was not, I do write about this I do not have, but I write because it's also one of the many pleasures to meet me:) I was walking with a strange attitude, because even though film has been sold to 24 countries around the world and succeeded in the festival, it was: ARGENTINE, and it makes me think of one, namely, with my blond baby wślipiającym the TV screen and to any subsequent wzdychającym, przygłupiego Antonio, I will tell you that I get chills even as soon as I hear this is not a language ... enough that they cry terribly loud mouths after the pound over and over, betray, some patients are harmed by everyone and because fate: either go blind or limp, or fiksują, it's still on the downside of doing the water from the brain to my dear child! But I wanted to go because the film is about a middle-aged woman who decides to change something in your life. Identifying with the middle age and the following changes ... I went .... The film I'm very disappointed and pleasantly surprised ... no omdlewających girls on the screen, no screams, cries, groans ... for a great game the main character, breaking down stereotypes, and a very sophisticated joke. This film certainly different than those to which we are accustomed. provision order to be more on the details and the details, a film about passion, betrayal, discovering the joys of life, planted in the realities of everyday life ... another video ... but interesting and worth seeing.

pictures that you see are from the botanical garden in Powsin, which drew my friend. We went and wsiąkłyśmy for the whole day, because even though what I do not garden write, they do not know why I have to dispute the sentiment, and quite often I visit him, although it looks as though someone had long ago planted the plants there and in general has forgotten about their existence: (Fortunately blossomed already part of rhododendrons and azaleas.

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And this is the park next to the tulips ..

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But back to my own backyard ... no wonder they do not have time to get on with the demolition of the pond, and forever somewhere pętam:) Then I had a genuine intention, I got up and the windows rain ... so I started to collect snails, then I had it outside on the meadow-ever I was hellbent Jędruli as you can see in my handsome specimens of snails, quite a lot ... I thought they loved them .. but he just likes to eat: (

IMG_2108-1 IMG_2113-1 After remaining in the subject-baked snails:)

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And with muesli balls to improve your mood-balls proved to be a nasty-tasting-but the mood has improved, and the balls make as decoration, standing in a jar today:)

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And then it rained again:) So out of boredom I made a cork tray.

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A beautiful sun shines today, but some news reached me that tomorrow will be the end of the world, so I do not know whether it is worth zaharowywać:) I greet you and wish you a nice and warm beautiful day, and I, however, I rush to the garden- just in case, but if I had found in the 2% of the population what it is to survive the destruction:)

PS. As for the comments, it will try to fix this thing ... I have no idea why disappeared, but I have them all at the post office, so as to just dig through message, it will put. But this time, it is not the fault of my computer, and blogger.



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