Saturday, May 28, 2011

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Palace of the North - Carlos Ruiz Zafón

not know anyone who writes as Zafón, who creates such amazing images and builds a share in such a vivid way. Reading the "Palace of the North" had the impression that I watch film, only this time the action is set in Barcelona. Zafón brings us to India, to Calcutta, and spins his story among the hot culture, dressing women in saris and softly whispering tales of the goddess Kali.

"The Devil is created by youth, we made mistakes, and God came up with maturity and old age, so that we can pay for these mistakes. "

murderer, danger, two babies, separated twins, sixteen years goes by i. ... Sounds szablonowo schematically, but do not be deceived. Zafón will surprise you and not once twists, amazing images, characters and their feelings. A special mention deserves Jahawal, a negative figure, which the writer created in a very complex and not clear, does not justify it, but does not condemn. In addition, it is easy to notice that the negative figures in the works English writer often memorable and stand out among other characters.
It is also worth mention the idea of \u200b\u200bembedding epickości some threads at the station Jheeter's Gate, which is very clearly arises from the eyes of the reader through a detailed description yet nienużącemu writer. This place intrigues, inspires fear and yet curiosity and smells steampunkiem.

I feel that for the first time Zafón tempted to such amount as a major. What's not to say that thou hast been omitted. Each received her airtime, and she could read with the reader, and it's quite a difficult task when you grab the more than two or three characters. In the era of fashion and imitation of peers, teenagers useful reading "Palace of the North", where each group of friends is different and has their own talent and skills, not trying to imitate his fellows, by which we all complement each other and form a harmonious group.

compulsory course element is here fantastic, and more mystical, almost paranormalny. And, interestingly, "Palace of the North" does not read like a tale of another spirit, in Zafón all visitors from another world would be considered real, as real beings of flesh and blood. They are very human, though, and scary at the same time. A description of the mystical vision does not make fabulous impression on the contrary, the reader is ready to believe that it is enough to go to Calcutta, and he sees there ... What? After this information I invite you to the book.

tip is, in my opinion, one of the best Zafón. Not an idyllic and utopian, and it is precisely true, and life. Adults could plunge into melancholy and memories, and those younger incline to think about the future.
In October it is planned to release latest novel Zafón, written before the "wind shadow" - "September Light", and then what? I hope the writer will create something new and do not leave their readers without another memorable story.

review was written for Faces of Culture Portal


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