Friday, April 29, 2011

Old Woman Cartoon Maxine

Me and my insides


Alexander Hojdak

man - the essence of which is formed by the body and spirit, inextricably linked, though quite different in nature. This presents a problem in the art of many artists, including Marina Abramovic, which inspires a young artist, I beseech Piechanowska. His exhibition headlined "Limen. This word in Latin means "threshold." Artist Title exposure suggests that discusses the problem associated with the anthropological rite of passage, namely the boundary between reality and the subconscious, where you may find yourself a man after years of meditation.

She erected in March at the Gallery Labyrinth several papers using the techniques of video, sculpture and photography. Each of the work could be a separate piece art, living their own lives. But confronted with each other have a new meaning, related to form a whole, creating a harmonious and original exposition. Titles of works are crucial to their interpretation. The exhibition takes place in two spaces. In one of the rooms was placed media image showing a bundle of hair. It is accompanied by a distinctive sound. Going to another room immediately draws attention to itself as a multimedia presentation showing the positions of two women. After careful scrutiny, be noted that in the film there is a aktorka. Dziewczyna – artystka została zdublowana. Z prawej strony kadru została ukazana frontalnie sylwetka dziewczyny, natomiast z lewej wyświetlono postać z profilu. Poza z prawej strony symbolizuje ciało, natomiast z drugiej – duszę. Można to wywnioskować z ruchu jaki wykonuje. Postać siedząca na wprost widza bardzo głęboko oddycha, jakby chciała pokazać, że żyje, jest, istnieje. Ciało bardzo mocno przygląda się dziewczynie, a po chwili delikatnie, by jej nie wystraszyć stara się ją dotknąć. Po tym doświadczeniu zbliża się coraz bardziej, ponieważ dusza na to pozwala. Przybliża się do ciała, które Light decides to kiss, to become one and make up. The girl in the end found themselves. The color dress, in which she is wearing, is not accidental. Red works very stimulating, is the color, which raises a number of different, even extreme emotions. Tone color dress is bloody, dignified. This paper discusses the problem of meditation and knowledge of its interior, the soul.

Another work, plaster sculpture, presents a body without a head, as if this part was unnecessary, because the rational. Jacqueline Piechanowska wishes to draw attention to the problem emotions that are hidden inside the man that can not be examined scientifically tangible. Torso is wearing a straitjacket. We are carefully sculpted fingers, which clipped do not want to let go of their feelings, to even share them with someone else. Color straitjacket is the same as the human body. Clothing embarrassed itself by allowing the fingers to shake himself. The sculpture in the middle is empty, as if man was worthless, because it can not find your soul. Coincidence that the work is hung by two chains. This is to alert users to transience and the difficulty of grasping forces in our existence.

final set piece was a photo titled "Pieta." The artist, this time she played the Virgin Mary. Hands and feet are arranged in a gesture as if to keep the Christ, which, surprisingly, no. Jacqueline Piechanowska is wearing the same dress as the video work, establish a dialogue with it. Photo suggests to us that the Blessed Virgin was one of us, man, although selected. Christ is different, born of her body. Maybe that's why was not included in your work? Żakliny face is calm, blissful, which refers to the sculpture "Pieta" by Michelangelo.

Piechanowska charms, though it is a young artist, moves a serious subject, over which anthropologists working years. Exhibited works are highly symbolic and does not offend, on the contrary, teach and show how difficult it is to be together now. In the contemporary world, in which a man almost at every step is being manipulated, and loses her own values, I beseech Piechanowska shows the problem confronting the same with you, body and soul, heart and mind. It urges the recipients to seek the true self.


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