Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How To Masterbate With Shower Head


Alice Burek

Identity women in largely based on physicality - Ellyn Kaschack notes, the psychologist. From early youth, girls are taught the "right look." woman's body, face, behavior must meet certain conditions, but it is not about health, ability to respond to some challenge or full development potential. These conditions do not determine its capabilities and physical facilities, but the male perspective, which assesses the extent to which women look for men meets the criteria powabności. (E. Kaschack, new psychology of women , Gdansk Psychology Publishing House, Gdańsk 1996, p. 78) Female shapeless, nieumalowana, niewydepilowana or not bearing the pins do not meet these criteria. Being a female commits.

The fact that women (and especially their bodies) are constantly under control, seems to resemble the exhibition "Reflection" by Monica Trypuz. On the gallery walls were placed photographs of mirror reflections of women. Not all the photographs, however, reflect the actual appearance of models. Some reflections from a connection with distorting mirrors (figure photographed women are unnaturally lengthened, shortened, slimline, bold). Photos have been confronted with mirrors. Proper reflection in the mirror surveyed giving no distortion effect. However, irregular reflections in the mirrors surveyed zafałszowujących image. Thus was created a situation in which a distorted image was distorted again. In this way, she pointed out that the woman is still struggling with a sense of the inadequacy of his body. There is always a mirror, which will look unfavorably, unfashionable, bad.
Are women viewers in the mirror of reality przekłamującym not satisfied with his reflection? Not necessarily. Perhaps seeing them, rather than admire, you just see a number of weaknesses, shortcomings. The mirror appears as a symbol of female oppression. A woman does not need to look in the mirror to know that her body is inadequate. Mirror-Grand The critic has internalized it. It is in her head. (A. Gromkowska, Femininity in the global culture ... , p. 109)

mirror hanging on the walls of provoking visitors to stop in front of them (ruthless?) Face and glance even for a moment on your own reflection. Reflection is (or rather the feelings and thoughts associated with the confrontation with him) stimulates reflection on the meaning of the body in contemporary culture. Over the representations appearing in the media, advertising and other texts of mass culture. As far as the body "distorted" sickness, accident, old age are likely to arise in these texts? Emerging representations of the body seem to be particularly cruel to women. They each of them must be measured. Hundreds of ideal bodies from billboards, newspapers and shop windows everywhere seem to resemble that of being a female must be earned.

Everyone who has ever had in the hands of any women's magazine knows that both sides of the letters and pictures on the cover is dominated by young women, immaculately beautiful, super sleek. Writings of such harm women twice. On the one hand, these writings are very complexing, on the other hand, create the illusion of perfection - perfect figure, no cellulite, skin without pimples / spots / unwanted hair, snow-white teeth, no signs of fatigue, etc. - which in the minds of many men working as reality . It seems that men used to the image of women that claim, often unconsciously, the bar for women encountered every day.

Even if we realize that what we see on the cover of magazines is largely thanks to Photoshopa i sztabu ludzi (typu fryzjerzy, makijażyści, styliści) pracujących nad wyglądem modelki, to i tak obrazy te stają się dla nas miarką, którą do siebie przykładamy bądź też którą przykładamy do innych. Efektem zazwyczaj jest stwierdzenie jakiegoś braku, niedociągnięcia w naszym/cudzym wyglądzie. Pojawia się chęć poprawienia tego i owego, tak aby choć trochę przypominać kobiety oglądane w czasopismach. Z pomocą przychodzą wówczas magazyny typu „Glamour”, „Cosmopolitan” czy „Twój Styl”. W pismach tego rodzaju aż się roi od porad typu: jak stać is beautiful in one night. Roi over there on cosmetics ads, which this or that supposedly can improve. Woman reaching for the letter, therefore nabawia complexes, which then tries to heal again after not reaching. And so the circle closes.

Monica Trypuz Mirrors make us aware of today's fixation on the culture of carnality. There's no denying that the dominant discourse of the body also puts pressure on men (and it's - it seems - in ever greater degree). You can, however, noted that the problem of feeling inadequacy of one's body is still mainly affecting women. They are rumored to continued fighting with each other, with his physicality, with the physiology. The pressure is enormous. Indeed, what does ciałocentryczna culture of women who, for example, do not Epilate body (because not only the legs and underarms)? The body does not fit within the current trends is ridiculed, marginalized, rejected. The reasons for this "terror of beauty" can be discerned among others. in the development of mass media (images of the bombing of women modeling the ideal body has never been so easy), and in the acquisition by culture consumerist discourse of the dominant role.

situation of contemporary women - as well as using the metaphor of the mirror Monica Trypuz - very aptly recognized the previously mentioned already Kaschack: Being a woman means to live in a world of mirror reflections, although this is not an ordinary mirror. Might be better to use the metaphor of a prism, which splits a woman - as the light of different frequencies - the component parts. Again, are reflected only those parts and features that maskulinistyczne society and individual men they consider important: that is what is used to evaluate the attractiveness and femininity. Picture of a woman returns to her evaluated and ukontekstualizowany, that is distorted. Some of the varied and complex whole are broken up into fragments, others are no longer visible. In the mirror he sees a woman, as far deviate from the ideal of its size, shape, race or age. (E. Kaschack, p. 1988-1989.)

Paradoxically, the mirror of the exhibition "Reflection" does not compel - quite the contrary. Monika Trypuz used in his work subwersyjną their power. Mirrors for they expose the cultural mechanisms that have to enslave lead. A realization of the existence of these mechanisms is the first step to liberation.

Trypuz Monica, "Reflection"
Young Art Forum Gallery, White
11 - October 18, 2010


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