Sunday, March 6, 2011

Techdeck /dowload

"Hel", dir. King Dębska

director and writer: King Dębska
production: Poland, the Czech Republic 2009
Genre: drama pscyhologiczny
Cast: Paul Krolikowski, Anna Geislerova, Leszek Zurek, Janusz Chabior, Anna Stoat, Henryk Talar, Bartosz Zukowski, Bartlomiej Topa

Such films I like. Films true - nor podkoloryzowane nor excessively udramtyzowane. And such films as much as I wish.

Someone once told me that title, so right away at him has provided, and then forgot all about him, as is often the case with me. I am glad that this happened, because the film became a cause for unusual conversations with people with whom I talked to so far, ai, yes, but only about trivialities.

Two weeks ago, in the middle of the Kashubian snowy forest, cut off from the world, exhausted after an hour and wymarznięte dwudziestostopniowym sleigh ride on the cold, three female colleagues were looking for a fun, because I had a free evening after the company's training. And that, as I said, civilization lacked, so events and effectiveness to drunkenness could not.
course one of those "trainees" was me - always on the road equipped with several books and films in the event does occur, the blank nothing interesting the gap. The decision was taken on the title (what a surprise!) Quickly and efficiently. Fell on "Hel." I remember only that "supposedly good", the rest did not hear about it, so we decided to blind. After preparation of the screen and convenient umoszczeniu within three to a bed, we began screening.

From the first scene I felt that it would be "my" movie: white doors without handles, disturbing the silence and the people with a deranged look on her face - to me that the announcement of what I like.
"Hel" is the story of Peter (Paul Krolikowski) and his life. Peter is a psychiatrist at the hospital, which we know from the first scenes. The doctor who treats inside human minds and gives the impression of a strong, yet warm human being. Respectfully treat their patients, not uplift and does not put himself on a pedestal. Each man sees, whether it's a woman running naked through the hallways, or a man eating fish from the aquarium. In his eyes we see the understanding, acceptance and peace.

Everything changes when the hospital gets an adult son of Peter - Camille (Leszek soup), which is not seen in years. This random meeting is the spark that kindles the fire of change. Peter wants to renew contact with his child, trying to build a relationship with him to create something like a family. But if it does not goes to the resistance, it is for some kind of closure and passivity. I am such a reaction does not surprise me Kamila - it is a natural result of the existence of many negative emotions that have accumulated in it over the years when they had no father.

however attempt to recover themselves. Its nucleus is the journey to Hel to the mother of Peter. I read out the trip as symbol of a return to the past, to reveal the cause of subsequent events.
Though mother and son, long time no see, there is a deeper bond between them, can not see the feelings or longing. They do not even have the common themes of conversation. Nothing in Common.
Upon returning Peter is converted. Or else he was before, and now has returned to his true role? Suddenly it becomes clear how this understanding in the eyes of a psychiatrist for his patients, where as good knowledge of the subject craving.
Peter returns to his previous life, which led zanim został szanowanym lekarzem. Wraca do nałogu, poddaje mu się bezsilnie i traci wszystko co osiągnął: partnerkę, dom, pozycję zawodową. Sam staje się pacjentem szpitala psychiatrycznego, dzieląc los swoich podopiecznych. 

Nie wiem czy nie posunę się za daleko w swoich interpretacjach, ale odniosłam takie wrażenie, że "hel" w filmie to symbol cierpienia,  zagubienia i bólu. Przecież Hel to rodzinne miasto Piotra, a patrząc na jego relacje z matką, można wywnioskować, że jego dzieciństwo nie było wolne od negatywnych czy destrukcyjnych uczuć. 
From Hel moved to Warsaw. But here he found his helium as it is called heroin, which carries the short soothe the pain and suffering. Sad, is not it? But the ending gives hope.

After watching the movie for a moment each of us silent, trying to sort out and understand the feelings and heart filling running through my head of thoughts. Because the film moves, arouses fear, discord, sense of loss but also hope.
The excitement generated thank odtwórcom roles. I am impressed with the acting of Paul Krolikowski. Excellent will play Peter, was very reliable and true.
Leszek Zurek, though often criticized, is also very well able to cope with the role. He played the attitude and the face, because as an introvert introverted, had little to say matters.

For me, "Hel" is not only a picture of the nature and power of addiction, but also to show cause-effect chain life situation of alcoholics or drug addicts. Depressing is the truth. But I hope to give battle. Peter passed have a lot of drug abuse, but it still has the strength to start over and over again. And that's a huge need for courage and faith. One might wonder whether it makes sense? For me there. Because meaning is not a goal itself, but the path to the goal. In this way life is.


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