Sunday, March 20, 2011

Basic Suspension For Gokart

Take off your shoes, close your eyes and see


Liliana Kozak

Going down the stairs with the accompanying clatter of hoofs in a small room arranged by IgE Gosiewska, we come to space with a silver, a soft floor. To cross the threshold year, you must take your shoes off, a child's sway over the silver poles, somewhere behind us rocking horse Parisian freestone to go with him to walk, trot, canter ...

blur the boundaries sutures, joining of memories, how many of us around him in the established connections. Fragments coalesce into a whole, it can be an escape from the claustrophobia of a small room cool silver and white, but also escape into the interior, or an attempt to save his, where the poles, like the scales have to give a judge. The soul as light as a feather, knocking in a small room ... not so fast, there's still time ... in this-here, in a kaleidoscope of parameters, the closest and furthest I have to myself. Somewhere to meet cost of poles, this point in the center-center soul-calm, despite the shock ... when I notice the hoof becomes detached from the ground shakes ... silver floor under our feet, sway poles, or get to the poles of its own borders? Some memories have to race gallop, escape. This place helps to develop speed, catch the tail ends of metaphors. Young eyes lose diagrams, rocking himself to look beyond the event horizon in a place without space, in time, where the gravity of suspended time. There is no time, is rocking, the shelter, in the cradle of humanity, you can see something at a different angle. From shoes to leave something behind, do not enter someone else, if you wish for ...

When the mind becomes attuned to the soft ground of thought, we can close your eyes, and there we see the outlines of new worlds Oleksieya Khoroshki. Impressionist brush strokes of light to hypnotize a lullaby. We suffer to the next level, deeper and deeper, to experience the least detectable, as bezkształty captured fleeing corner of my eye. This image is still there, looming, does not allow to clarify, does not allow to determine, categorize, to conclude in diagrams and killed a convenient term. On the first play of the hot area where we have opened your eyes yet, there in the silver vastness and beyond, from place to place, from pole to pole, I look ...

What is elusive, it shows more of the plurality does not dookreśleń. Smużki reflections dancing on the arches of seconds to dissolve in the liquid color. At the moment there is a stronger sound,-a, this site actually, snatches of sound, bright light, he suddenly opened his eyes see a white wall. You have to close it, garrulous brook wrinkles, groove surface of the water, they begin to dance, rally lights, interfere with, talk to the shadows of our thoughts, when the range of words has long since ended by gaining experience ...


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