Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Does Cm Mean In Football

"Miss Lonely Heart" Sebastien Ortiz

you really can not be happy being alone? Is it only when we are with someone to a pair of life have a meaning? Miss Lonely Heart probably thinks so, and I do not. At least at this stage of my life.

Sebastien Ortiz gave us in his book image of one of the characters in the film "Rear Window Alfred Hitchocka. As suggested by the description on the cover of the author concluded that the film was devoted too little time and attention to character, so he decided to write a book about it.

offer - if there be any action - Is between the four walls of the courtyard and concerns of everyday life of its inhabitants: the front woman, a photographer and his girlfriend, and the state Thorwald Clanachan and music. There is also a mysterious observer and narrator, which nobody sees, but he sees all. Even know their thoughts and past. He just gives us a few days in the life of Miss Lonely Heart, a maniacal man needs to feel satisfied and lose day after day for meditation and dreams about him. Observer tells us about the experiences of the Virgin with men, although they are very poor, influenced the perception of self and the world. Female life also observed other residents, evaluate them as more valuable than their more colorful and meaningful. Her life is mechanical, nothing gives her joy, all the steps automatically fills in meditation. Only when the circumstances make the witness of some events, there is hope that her life leaven to change.

I do not know what the author intended to tell us. Perhaps nothing. Perhaps this is a book without the media, which I'm looking for strength. You can simply Ortiz so fascinated with the form of the Virgin Lonely Heart, he wanted it only to describe and demonstrate. It amazed me, not even slightly annoyed his passive attitude towards life.
only thing intrigued me, Ortiz, is a film Hitchocka, which will surely watch the film.


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