Monday, February 21, 2011

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Vampire Lestat - Anne Rice

"I'm the death of a gentleman, dressed in silks and lace, quietly coming to a sudden extinguish the candles. Cancerous outgrowth in the heart of the Rose "

soulless selfish in" Interview with the Vampire "decides opowiedzieć nam swoją historię. Zdawałoby się, historię rozpusty, mordu, krwi i kpiny. Bo cóż innego może powiedzieć nam Lestat? Ten, który szydził z Louisa, ten, który stworzył z małego dziecka wampira. Zdawałoby się…

Bo gdy Lestat zaczyna snuć swoją opowieść, wokół zapada cisza. Czas zatrzymuje się, powietrze wypełnia się ciepłą gęstością. W tej historii wampir sięga swego ludzkiego dzieciństwa, opowiada o domu rodzinnym, o matce, ojcu i braciach. I swoim cierpieniu, bo jego życie wcale nie było takie lukrowe. Opowiada about the hopes and dreams. When the dream is almost accomplished, there are vampires in his life. One life ends and another begins, eternal, bloody.

In this book, we see Lestat in a completely different light. There is no longer a gentleman owianego murderous mystery. This is a man, then a vampire, and his feelings are, as indicated on the tray. Emotions, experiences and motives for action. Lestat already in "Interview with the Vampire" arouses sympathy, as when we look alive. And in the next section chronicles the opportunity we see for yourself why so alive. The book sheds entirely new light on this character, as well as the story I told the journalist Louis.

Lestat has always been a rebel. He listened attentively councils, only to be then do not use them. She had incredible courage and curiosity. Explores the world of vampires, and then begin to pull strings to see if everything was built over centuries, not fall. He's not afraid to get burned, burned at the time, when he was a vampire. And it might seem that nothing to be afraid.

"Interview with the Vampire" is almost a classic. But to understand this book, we turn to another part of the chronicles. Here, Rice gives answers to all questions asked by Louise explains where they come from the vampires, from which it all began. Shows Vampire community around the world, its diversity, doubt, and high ideas. Like humans, vampires believe in one, then another, seized upon his eternity, and it let go. Die and are born again.

bookstores shelves groan under the black covers of books, telling various stories about vampires. However, it is to start from the author, who first looked at this bloodthirsty creature as beings endowed with soul and feeling. Both books Rice, and "Interview with the Vampire" and "Vampire Lestat", are shallow and clear. Accumulate in the layers of philosophy. And even though it concerns the eternal life and vampires, I do not think a man could be anything from her.

"Eternity is just a celebration of human life one after another"


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