Monday, May 30, 2011

How To Put On A Front Bumper On

Lublin - the city of Naga Cultural Arts


Gabriel Fisher

aesthetic sensitivity of the inhabitants of Lublin is approximate to the level of mental najkulturalniejszej suburbs of the Polish capital - Warsaw. This quite respectable, fashionable, and above all pragmatic validated mental koziogrodzian closer to becoming citizens of the land which is the projection of an ideal, antediluvian world in which there was an absolute love of neighbor. Known to the cultural life of residents in the I / O is complex, and the average citizen of Lublin after their stay at the Rome Art , it feels as if his brain gray body wytrzepała whisk to froth, and the same body was then poured into molds and baked in an oven set at dwustustopniową rate of change. And well, because arteodbiorca is in such a way to feel. He has to feel abnormally . Contemporary art by rejecting the legacy of classicism, has divested a set of aesthetic standards as determined by a majority good taste. Wyrzeczono also patterns of behavior that is generally speaking - the norms of behavior. The most successful works are the guarantors of today: provocative, opportunism and vulgarity. Without such a back-end marketing, which is a guarantor of success of the artist, or move ...

And here in our work appeared in Lublin, meeting the requirements of the highest art. Were placed in a mental warszawka Kozimgrodzie. In a city where Motor is king, came up with a shock niefutbolowy far, this is because artists descend to the level of Ice Cream. That was not even in Lodz. You can already see how dresiarzom toothless mouth smile, because its your favorite body part to draw, were raised to an art. Masters in drawing flying penises, and the inscriptions on the walls of houses in Lublin, suggesting (with the position of the Dominator's) willingness to undergo anal sex (HWDP) with representatives of some law enforcement officials, but lost their monopoly on drawing genitalia, have gained new allies in the fight against bourgeois pruderyjnością - artists and their surroundings. And here comes the vague feeling of cognitive dissonance. After all, it is known that the artists and their trabanci (critics, entertainers, celebrities, freak, etc..) Famous for its tolerance, openness, etc.. and iceman, it is at any rate subculture known for its homophobia. The question then arises whether it is worth, by unintended descent to the cultural level of their opponents, to create the impression of mental fraternization? And by the way, and to shock the public? If you consider that Machiavelli was right, saying that the end justifies the means, it is worth it! Because if you really (sic) Lublin wants to count in the world, the artists have lived in it (when it was light years for example, NY) to follow fashion and shock, using all available methods of shock! It should be noted that the opportunism in itself has become that which attests to the power of the Creator God. Sfetyszyzował up. Indeed a true artist is one who engages in a frankly political spirit of tolerance and education to other excluded, and in this case is off because of the geographical location of the city in which they live - lublinianom. And perhaps through the efforts of several excluded because of sexual orientation Kozigród will cease to be relegated to the margins in the homeland of the political, financial, cultural, etc. The real ECN!

PS Sorry if I offended anyone this text.
PS first Congratulations on the right-wing circles do not accept

Sunday, May 29, 2011

List Of Scavengers In River

May 29-Magdalena


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Saturday, May 28, 2011

How To Fix Chin Strap For Good Tilt

Day 4 - the battle continues part-garden stories. Dec

At 5 am already sitting on the bottom .. chose more mud pump, unfortunately, gives advice to choose the water only to a certain depth, the rest you need already ręcznie.Zimno, rain, horror .. the only positive of all this, is that fewer mosquitoes bite:)

IMG_3167-1 I look at what I once kicked and horror grips me .. I do not know if I ever have owned a brain but certainly I have owned a lot of strength ... now if the proportions were reversed, I mean, at least as to deceive myself that the reason przybyło.Staw is approximately 1.80 m depth in the middle .. and so it is now by far shallower than it used to, because with us it is very high levels of groundwater and the bottom, under the plastic silting up and water is all the time. I remember kicking, somewhere from about 1.60 all the time already wygarniałam sand with water, that a layer of clay through which I had to break through, not wspomnę.Ale very keen to let me fish they can safely spend the winter and that water is not to freeze to the bottom. Will no longer fish, they leave the bags karaski the pool .. moreover they were unplanned, it probably had to bring the duck eggs in the legs. There are lots of them, horribly dirty water, and cats, and so ate most of koi carp, because those do not see nawet.Konsumpcja last red fish, held in the spring, but these were the hundreds, out of the entire pool (

Water Lilies have been completely devoid of leaves and buds ... difficult not to be the highest this year of flowers, I just hope I have time to clean it all and fix them die.


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Today the house was Magda, to be sure about 5, my child does not get up, but pulled off around noon on a very honest and down to help it be more stones. get out of this bottom, and deposition of stones, This was a real hassle .. already today is easier, because at the edge of the baton, or rather the stone, filled by Magda. After work, came to help, my son:). Too long to explain here, the child does not own and is not adopted, but it's almost like Rodzone:)

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water from the mud has had time to choose, so started to clean the pond and the search was quite dziury.Zlokalizowana szybko.Dziura, actually two, are directly under the spruces on the terrace at the very bottom of the pond! We sent a diver to the composition, after mounting adhesive pvc, they sold a tiny child cus, rubber toys (think hard, try to ... and so everything was already closed.

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Actually, we were convinced that they will not stick the patch, but you know how it is ... and it is hoped, unfortunately ... The next day in Warsaw, another half a day from the head of the search for a suitable adhesive ... rush home, gluing, and waiting 24 hours ... .... I hope it worked out.

kciuki.Pozdrawiam Keep nice and warm!

Shiny Charizard Card Sale

Palace of the North - Carlos Ruiz Zafón

not know anyone who writes as Zafón, who creates such amazing images and builds a share in such a vivid way. Reading the "Palace of the North" had the impression that I watch film, only this time the action is set in Barcelona. Zafón brings us to India, to Calcutta, and spins his story among the hot culture, dressing women in saris and softly whispering tales of the goddess Kali.

"The Devil is created by youth, we made mistakes, and God came up with maturity and old age, so that we can pay for these mistakes. "

murderer, danger, two babies, separated twins, sixteen years goes by i. ... Sounds szablonowo schematically, but do not be deceived. Zafón will surprise you and not once twists, amazing images, characters and their feelings. A special mention deserves Jahawal, a negative figure, which the writer created in a very complex and not clear, does not justify it, but does not condemn. In addition, it is easy to notice that the negative figures in the works English writer often memorable and stand out among other characters.
It is also worth mention the idea of \u200b\u200bembedding epickości some threads at the station Jheeter's Gate, which is very clearly arises from the eyes of the reader through a detailed description yet nienużącemu writer. This place intrigues, inspires fear and yet curiosity and smells steampunkiem.

I feel that for the first time Zafón tempted to such amount as a major. What's not to say that thou hast been omitted. Each received her airtime, and she could read with the reader, and it's quite a difficult task when you grab the more than two or three characters. In the era of fashion and imitation of peers, teenagers useful reading "Palace of the North", where each group of friends is different and has their own talent and skills, not trying to imitate his fellows, by which we all complement each other and form a harmonious group.

compulsory course element is here fantastic, and more mystical, almost paranormalny. And, interestingly, "Palace of the North" does not read like a tale of another spirit, in Zafón all visitors from another world would be considered real, as real beings of flesh and blood. They are very human, though, and scary at the same time. A description of the mystical vision does not make fabulous impression on the contrary, the reader is ready to believe that it is enough to go to Calcutta, and he sees there ... What? After this information I invite you to the book.

tip is, in my opinion, one of the best Zafón. Not an idyllic and utopian, and it is precisely true, and life. Adults could plunge into melancholy and memories, and those younger incline to think about the future.
In October it is planned to release latest novel Zafón, written before the "wind shadow" - "September Light", and then what? I hope the writer will create something new and do not leave their readers without another memorable story.

review was written for Faces of Culture Portal

Does A Fathers Penis Size Effect His Sons

I'm finished, which is the ratio of the battlefield, day 3 - Home cz.XI

At the outset, a small correction:) It's yesterday and today, which is somewhere in the text was a few days ago. Unfortunately, as usual, your wine, for a few days I could only click. Post a miracle to beat a few days ago, but unfortunately without text and images:) The only valid for the relationships below, is the fact that I still am exhausted, and the pond is not finished: (So here we go: Yesterday, the crack of dawn wytaszczyłam I took the hose and the fair pracy.Cała sore after the previous day, I turned to work ... I knew that once I'll do the demolition, "large parts", it will count the time and you will spin like ukropie, what else not enough that aquatic plants, fish is still that lack of oxygen to cushion. It is true that fish do not want to, but that does not mean that I destroy it, through laziness własne.Tak so a last glimpse of the lens and coastal plants, because after finishing the work, it is not known which of them will and to work.

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before yesterday pulled to shore, most of the stones from the pond, emerging from the first shelf. They are located everywhere, and it's not even one tenth of what awaits me still .. If you want to have a pond like so real, like an idiot, wtachałam there once, two trucks kamulców: (Only it was once 12 years earlier, and I have energy I spurted and forces a lot more. Now we need to pull everything.

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Rysiek pałętała constantly underfoot and miauczała terribly, so I say, stop talking so that Wacek (to remain unaware: snake) and take to work. And she to me that the bach plecki ... so argue away, and she cwaniara, paw pushes Wacek:)

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No, it's not a snake ... dotaszczyłam alone and only after that, I wanted to throw everything in hell, because he is tough as seven misfortunes and to this very long and thick. Lured by my wheezing, on the terrace, wypełzał another drone.

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I guess there is nothing worse as a man works, and the rest is just looks (with a pump or a bad naszarpałam because I did not want to suck the water, so lying on the platform, on his stomach was making itself biceps, using a pump instead of the weights:) Finally, the swift stream of water flew, and I had Wacusia move, and move in at this new place, so that plants do not drown. How much does it weigh with water, then I have I do not want to even think! After an hour of pumping, disappeared perhaps 20 cm.

But what does it ... something is happening in the huddle fish shoals, so trot over the bank, arriving successive pseudo-helpers for the variety you want to help catch fish! The first power cat you could not stand and began to descend ... IMG_3081 IMG_3090

with some degree of shyness, what would White's feet, do not mess with mud on the horizon shows Mafja .. My red koi carp, swam like a huge exclamation points, therefore, after so many years of happy life with an intelligent cat, Ving, died tragically the bellies are less intelligent, kotów.Teraz present there are only karaski, which in general do not see in the water. IMG_3063 IMG_3072

hunt begins! Please Note you ... .... Is ... is ... a fish! ! You only go down, paw into the water ... iiii.

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... no, unfortunately, could not be ... you Kotu zaryło murder in the mud:), and all this for sure because I was tearing up Panciana!

must muster more helpers! Attention, attention ... all the cats in the neighborhood .... We have opened a new store at the fish ... WELCOME!! Flew russet - white, for a moment appeared redhead! Rysiek to hell, what about you? The end of idling and amorów, take to work! Mr Kotu approached the matter ambicjonalnie:) IMG_3224 IMG_3225-1


Rysiek being delicate and very fragile rather likes spiders, sushi przekąsi times and, yes, but under the condition that is fished from clean water ... and not from the mud! She tried and tried ... even after the mule walked, after some time found that, however, it was not for her dirty feet and does not intend to be satisfied with robaczkami ... shocker.

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When water in the pond disappeared, and the cats have met mainly my curiosity, stepped back to the work I do! Stepped, looked scared, and the! Youth wings adds, moves mountains, and some awfully damn deep holes back! But youth is gone!

now had to be extracted from the bottom of hundreds of fish from the mud and slime of some, and over the move, so they do not podusiły. I had put something in the paw ... brrr ... It is scary to think what lives there, as a man does not see it and has yet to fumble blocku not to miss any of God's creation! Until szarpało me with disgust. At first, sliding in the mud, and foil, these tachałam mud bucket itself, then I flew over the spill, a fish flip into the pool, luckily after 7 hours mordęgi, minor back from school, so drove to carry buckets of mułem.Ja wygrzebywałam the puddles, then into the filter, the filter buried toe, as something started jumping, squealing, I closed my eyes, I caught and threw a bucket of clean water! Diver does not have a nicer job, she had to look at what is poured, because God forbid, I could not see anything, then it is mined. My face full of despair and disgust, are best illustrated with what I had to face:)

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-From the bottom to the shore, hundreds of buckets, up the slippery film, abdominal muscles , feet, hands ... I like steel: (Well, I ask, if I look in the builder, the peasant-worker for some, so I had to work in a treadmill ????!!!! But you have to be hard:) I gave advice! Fish without major damage, were transferred to specially prepared for them, including the new habitat .. and have a nice pool ... whatever, let them fly karaski :))))

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And I I'm brilliant bitten by mosquitoes, dirty whole in the mud like a pig, because you know ... like bites, man instinctively pats, no matter that the whole paw in the mud ... but very happy much of the work already behind me, and certainly the most disgusting:) Well, but, well, dream no small cost effort:) I'm finished. but very happy :)))) wave my so dear to you with joy, extracted from paw gloves. Keep your fingers crossed! Tomorrow another day ... but already in a smaller quantity block!

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And answer e-mails successfully, but ...: working in a job, work at home, working in the garden ... and somehow malutko time is: (